is the first international meeting of contemporary african performing arts in barcelona. with dance as the overarching element, our aim is to foster spaces for creation and thinking through the body, striving to dignify, visibilize and position African performing arts within the national and international contemporary arts scene and market.
This is an approach to today’s Africa, the diverse, contemporary and plural Africa that exists both in the diaspora and among afrodescendants, the Africa born both here and there, the Africa that beats and breathes in and out. For this reason, the curation of participating artists is not only motivated by the quality of their work, but also because their work itself contributes to the transformation of imageries on current African realities.
The last edition of AFRICA MOMENT, in 2017, was centered around the African woman as creator. Again this year we are placing the focus on African and Afro-descendent women as creators, legacy bearers, visionaries and as bodies in resistance.
Over the span of 10 days, a series of wide-ranging activities will happen in several strategic spots across the city of Barcelona. Through AFRICA MOMENT’s four sensorial and experiential spaces (see/imagine/feel/create), we seek to share and foster contemporary African creation among varying audiences in the city, to map and place in the map the work of artists and creators from the African continent, those of African descent or those non-Africans who work with Africa and Africans. Our aim is to generate spaces for knowledge, creation, dialogue and exchange among visitors and participants.
This year’s program will be full of multidisciplinary activities by a number of carefully curated artists who, as aforementioned, emphasize the role of women in the transmission of social, cultural and historical legacy through their bodies, artwork and beings; those African female artists who work around the element of African descent and connect past and present.
Ella Poema es un proyecto inspirado en poemas escritos por mujeres, creado y producido en África por su nueva generación de creadoras en artes escénicas. Un proyecto revolucionario por su visión de género y postcolonial que, desde 2013, está posicionando a mujeres creadoras de más de una docena de países africanos como referentes artísticos en la escena internacional. Hasta el momento, Ella Poema ha producido 20 cortometrajes de danza, 6 piezas de danza contemporánea y series fotográficas de gran belleza y potencia visual. Las creadoras de Ella Poema, hijas de la revolución y la independencia de un continente, son artistas únicas y pioneras que, desde su particular contexto geográfico, cultural y personal, se enfrentan a procesos creativos individuales e íntimos para transformar una partitura literaria en lenguaje corporal y audiovisual, empleando códigos performáticos que nacen de su entorno cotidiano inmediato, de lo patrimonial y de su propio impulso creativo, revelando mensajes universales.Ella Poema cuestiona los estereotipos que el imaginario colectivo occidental impone sobre los cuerpos negros-africanos femeninos, transgrediendo las narrativas audiovisuales y escénicas hegemónicas, para ofrecer una manifestación artística única.
lanla is an international platform dedicated to promote, investigate and expand the technique germaine acogny on an international level. aïda is the founder and director of the project. inside this platform she has created ¨the march, the first international dance workshop about technique germaine acogny at ecole des sables, senegal