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tenerife mapas,  2019 | foto juan mare

qué importa el abismo 

 solo dance theater


 what did you do when you were injured? what legacy do you plan to leave behind when you leave?

‘qué importa el abismo’ raises questions for the public about the wounds one has suffered, the scars one has on one's body. these scars are ultimately the legacy we carry into the future.


directed by aïda colmenero dïaz and inspired by the poem by iosune de goñi, the work ‘qué importa el abismo’ questions the limits of the physical and emotional body, and how it relates to wounds and scars to build a present and a future

 how do we face life from that abyss? how do we present ourselves to the world with our wounds? how do we move through life with the scars that our bodies accumulate?


‘qué importa el abismo’ is a piece created in togo as part of the project she poems

directed by: aïda colmenero dïaz

she: estelle foli (togo) 

30 minutes

music | kai engel

produced lomé (togo)  and accra (ghana) by yakart, 2017

coproduced by spanish embassy in accra, casa africa, brin de chocolat cultural centre, goethe-institut lomé, aske dance company

presented at sala mirador (madrid-spain ) , festival baila españa ( bremen -germany) , festival mac (barcelona- spain), danza en la ciudad (bogotá-colombia)

En gira gracias al Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de España 

Captura de pantalla 2022-07-05 a las 10.15.45.png
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