She Poems is a project inspired by poems written by women, created and produced in Africa by its new generation of female performing arts creators. A revolutionary project due to its gender and postcolonial vision that, since 2013, is positioning creative women from more than a dozen African countries as artistic role models on the international scene. So far, She Poems has produced 20 dance short films, 6 contemporary dance pieces and photographic series of great visual beauty and power. The creators of She Poems, daughters of the revolution and the independence of a continent, are unique and pioneering artists who, from their particular geographical, cultural and personal context, engage in individual and intimate creative processes to transform a literary score into body and audiovisual language, using performative codes that originate from their immediate daily environment, their heritage and their own creative impulse, revealing universal messages. She Poems questions the stereotypes that the western collective imaginary imposes on black-African female bodies, transgressing hegemonic audiovisual and stage narratives, to offer a unique artistic manifestation.
The project has been created with Estelle Foli and Anique Ayiboe (Togo); Nshoma Nkwabi, Khadija Nasibu, Shamila Salumu and Happiness Majige (Tanzania); Nesindano Namises and Trixie Munyama (Namibia); Betty Seise Bâgbo and Susane Hawi (Kenya); Suzana Tavares, Rosy Timas Tavares, Julia Dias and Sualia Lima (Cape Verde); Khoudia Touré, Marie Agnés Gomis, Rokhaya Thioune and Amie Mbye (Senegal-Gambia); Sena Atshugah (Ghana); Ada Umugwaneza, Pavrine Gicanda Kabalisa and Natasha Muzira (Rwanda); Nneka Celina Umeigbo and Irene Omoha (Nigeria); Balkissa Abdou Yarima, Aïcha Koraou and Rachida Amadou Bello (Niger); Phulusho Khwiyane and Phindile (South Africa); Michèle Ndjongui (Cameroon); Nilza Adolfo Matiquete and Mai Juli Machado (Mozambique); with the artistic direction of artist Aïda Colmenero Dïaz.
she poems shortfilms
lifetime dust VII
inspired by the poem
of rosario castellanos (mexico)
she happiness majige
canara minzi mims,
by aïda colmenero dïaz
05:19 min 2016
bagamojo,dar es salaam,
inspired by the poem of ángela figuera aymerich (spain)
she khadija nasibu
by aïda colmenero dïaz
film minzi mims
edition juan cañamero
03:30 min, 2013
dar es salaam tanzania
stay in me
inspired by the poem of maria clara gonzález (colombia)
she shamila salumu
film minzi mims
edition juan cañamero
music hildur gudnadottir
by aïda colmenero dïaz
03:00 min 2013
dar es salaam, tanzania
the fear remover
inspired by the poem of radio ensueño
she khoudia touré
film& edition siaka traoré & aïda
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
7:04 min 2014, dakar, senegal
2th november
inspired by the poem of stella diaz varín
she marie agnes gomis
film& edition siaka traoré & aïda
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
music yakart, chopin nocturne op. 9, no. 2
8:11 min 2014, dakar, senegal
no light | no luz
inspired by the poem of paloma serra
she irene omoha
film&edition yakart
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
4:50 min 2014, abuja, nigeria
el canto
inspired by the poem of ada salas (spain)
she balkissa abodou, aïcha korau, rachida amadou bello
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
music bawa kokari "lampo" and ali oumarou chatima
5:57 min, 2015, niamey, niger
cine mudo | silent film
inspired by the poem of fina garcía marruz (cuba)
she nneka celina umeigbo
camara nikan aka micheal oga
edition yakart
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
4:49min 2014, lagos, nigeria
inspired by the poem of ada salas (spain)
she michèle ndjongui
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
film ponpom& yakart
music ross bugden rfgb@hotmail.ca
04:00 min 2015, yaoundé, cameroon
inspired by the poem of paloma serra (spain)
she suzana tavares
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
film edited yakart
praia, cap vert
cicatriz de luz
inspired by the gender violence texts (cap vert)
she rosy timas tavares, suzana tavares, suaila lima, julia dias
direction aïda colmenero diaz
music jeff hessney
03:47 min, 2017, praia, cabo verde
inspired by the poem of isune de goñi
she estelle foli
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
music kai engel
03:43 min, 2017, lomé, togo
inspired by the poem of isune de goñi
she anique ayiboe
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
video yakart
05:11 min,2017, togoville& lomé, togo
inspired by the poem of ana lena pena
she sena atshugah
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
video yakart
2017 accra, ghana
inspired by the poem of seise betty bagbo
she seise betty bâgbo & susane hawi
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
video yakart
2016, nairobi, kenia
tell him

trap f.m
inspired by the poem of violeta luna (ecuador)
she ada umugwaneza, pavrine gicanda kabalisa, natasha muzira
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
video. yakart
2017 kigali, rwanda
xhoes conquers
inspired by the poem, words, song of nesindano "khoes" namises (namibia)
she nesindano "xhoes" namises & trixie munyama
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
edited yakart
camera bianca fimanekweni pauluswindhoek 10:20 min, 2018 rehoboth, namibia
inspired by conversations with she (south africa)
she phulusho khwiyane
direction edition film music aïda colmenero dïaz
2021 produced in mpumalanga with the forgotten angle theatre collaborative @ ebhudlweni arts centre, with the support of spanish embassy in pretoria , casa áfrica, my body my space festival
inspired by conversations with she (south africa)
she phindile ntombizodwa elsie sibiya &bella
direction film edited aïda colmenero dïaz
music kai engel cendres
2021 produced in mpumalanga with the forgotten angle theatre collaborative @ ebhudlweni arts centre, with the support of spanish embassy in pretoria , casa áfrica, my body my space festival
viver mais
inspired by the poem of taíssa cazumbá (brazil)
she nilza adolfo matiquete & mai juli machado
direction aïda colmenero dïaz
video yakart
2018, maputo, mozambique

ella poema
She Poems shortfilms has been already presented at:
Festival Kinetic Cinema, Nueva York, EE.UU. Premier Mundial
Masterclass and conference (Nueva York 2013)
College of Arts Windhoek ( April 2018 Namibia), Universidad Católica (2017 Quito), Universidades de Winneba ( 2017 Ghana), Universidad de Sport (2016 Copenhagen), Universidad Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (2016 Níger)
Galleries :
Durban Art Gallery ( 2018 South Africa) , National Gallery Kigali ( 2017, Rwanda)
CityHall, Maputo ( Marzo 2018, Mozambique)
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Núcleo de Esmeraldas ( 2017 Ecuador)
Teatro de la Estación ( March Zaragoza, España, 2019), Centro Párraga (Enero 2018, Murcia, Spain), Centro Cívico de Sagrada Familia , especializado en género ( 2016 Barcelona, España)
Cineteca del Matadero de Madrid (November 2018, Spain)
Institut Français: Valencia (2016 España), Niamey (2016 Níger), Yaoundé (2017, Cameroon), Accra ( 2017 Ghana)
Goethe Institut: Dakar (2016 Senegal), Barcelona (2017 España) , Dar es Salaam (2015, 2016, 2017 Tanzania), Lomé ( 2017 Togo)
Festivals: Pies para qué los quiero (March Zaragoza, España, 2019), Moovy-festival
( March 2019 Köln Germany), Athens Video Dance Festival ( January 2019, Greece), TanzFilmFest Berlin (2018 Germany ), ScreenDance Miami Festival 2018 (EEUU),POOL- 15 Berlin (2015 y 2018 Germany), Festival Espacioenter Festival, Tea Tenerife (August 2017 Spain ), AfrikansonFilmFestival (London 2017 UK), Project X by African in Motion Film Festival of Scotland (August 2017 Scotland), NOW&AFTER ’16 (October 2016 Russia, Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne (July 2016 Australia), FAD Festival: Film-Art-Dance (March 2016 USA), EnCORE: Dance on Film (March 2016 USA), Time2Dance Festival (October 2015 y 2017 Tanzania ), 13 Festival Danzaalborde (October 2014 Chile)
Publicaciones : CinéWomen Biennal 2015

she poems performances

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she poems photography